The PTA are our wider school community who work together to enrich our children’s lives. If your child comes to Adderley CE Primary then you are part of the PTA, together with teachers and other friends of the school. The PTA is a properly constituted Parent Teacher Association with a committee led by a Chair, with a Secretary and Treasurer who prepare accounts and minutes of meetings. Anyone is welcome to come to committee meetings and they are advertised on the school newsletter.
The PTA do two linked and very important jobs. Firstly, their community building events are great fun and help children and families to get to know each other and develop links and friendships. Having a family-like feel is part of what makes us special and so we value the fun and laughter of our fayres, coffe mornings, Carols around the Campfire and other social events. Secondly they raise funds to enable us to buy important resources for children’s learning. In these times of straightened budgets this role has been essential.
In the past, among many other contributions the PTA have bought interactive teaching boards, maths resources, reading books, web-based learning licences e.g. for Mathletics and Spelling Frame. It would be a challenge to afford these items out of our normal school budget. But with the help of the PTA, our children are not missing out on curriculum developments which are easier for larger schools to afford.
Friends of Adderley School is a registered charity that aims to enhance the learning opportunities available to the children at Adderley School – above and beyond the opportunities offered by the school’s delegated budget. All funds raised by “Friends” events goes towards ensuring that all the children in the school enjoy an enhanced learning experience at our small village school. One of the main contributions Friends of Adderley provides is subsidising the transport for school trips, making trips affordable for parents and allowing all children a wide range of experiences.
We know that for some working parents it is difficult to find time to be a member of a committee. Please be assured that this does not matter. Parents and familes can make a positive contribution just by attending our events. As a small school, we only need a few core members to be the organisers, with other parents helping out when called upon, or simply participating as attendees who support us on the day of the event -and spending your money of course!
Parents may be able to help out in other ways, for example by baking cakes or donating raffle prizes. Some working parents have work links that suport sponsoring school events with money donations or discounts. We are grateful for all support in whatever form it comes.
We have a committed staff team who are willing to give up their free time to help organise PTA events. However we are mindful that our staff’s first priority is to the education of our pupils and this means that as a small school not all staff will attend all school events. Staff have their own families to prioritise before further work commitments.
During Covid restrictions the staff and PTA will be thinking of creative ways to raise money and build community which fit within the Government guidelines on gatherings and schools.